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Introducing the Little Women Petite Bouquet of Mini Roses


This handmade, one-of-a-kind bouquet is perfect for any book lover in your life. Each bouquet contains six roses approximately 1.5" across each.


Created from damaged books, each rose is lovingly crafted by hand with great attention to detail by Cherish and Lacy. The petite size of this bouquet makes it ideal for bookshelves, desk, or your favorite reading nook where they can be admired up close. Whether as a delightful surprise for a special someone or simply an elegant addition to any room in your home, these little roses will bring an undeniable touch of charm. The Little Women Petite Bouquet of Mini Roses is sure to be the most stunning and thoughtful gift you'll ever give - order yours up today!


Shipping- Bouquet will ship within three business days of ordering with tracking number provided via USPS First Class Mail (3-5 day delivery). We will keep you updated through the shipping process.

Little Women Petite Bouquet of Mini Roses

$34.99 Regular Price
$27.99Sale Price
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