Don't just send flowers – make it meaningful with our Sheet Music Petite Bouquet of Mini Roses.
This dainty bouquet bursts with the joy of music and the beauty of nature. Each rose is a handmade creation from a piano songbook of the master composers- Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven, Bach, Schubert, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Debussy and more!
Our Petite Bouquets contain 6 Mini Roses approximately 1.5” across each.
Not only are these roses perfect as gifts, but they also double as beautiful decorations in any room! When it comes to expressing your music appreciation with a unique flair, nothing can compare to our Sheet Music Roses.
Shipping- Your bouquet will ship within 3 business days of ordering with tracking via USPS First Class Mail. We will keep you updated through the shipping process.
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$34.99 Regular Price
$27.99Sale Price
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